5 Ways to Motivate Employees
As much as people don't want to admit it, there are many unmotivated workers in the world. Whether they are not motivated to do their best or lack the motivation to move up in the company, this can be a difficult situation for a manager.
Managers play an important role in motivation |
Keeping your employees motivated to work hard and give their best effort is key to a successful and healthy business. Some employees may need a little push to work harder, and some do it on their own, but ultimately, managers play an important role in motivation.
1. Set goals and recognize successes
Your employees want a challenge, it's human nature. If they show up every day with the same little tasks to work on without a goal, it's easy to become unmotivated. Setting achievable goals for your employees allows them to work towards something concrete and will also give you, as the manager, something to measure their performance against.
If employees aren't meeting goals, you'll know it's time to let them go or work on their performance. When a goal is achieved, make sure it is celebrated or at least acknowledged. This doesn't have to be excessive, but a simple incentive like a team lunch or an internal email recognizing success will keep employees moving toward their next goal.
People like to have their voices heard |
2. Listen
One of the biggest motivating factors for employees is the feeling that their wants and needs are heard in the workplace. This does not mean that every request is granted but listening to what employees have to say is key to motivation. Whether an employee has an idea for a new process or a new idea for their position, however unrealistic the idea, just listen. People like to have their voices heard, and if they are constantly stifled by managers who don't want to listen, they may reach a point where they don't care about the organization and aren't willing to work hard.
3. Pay them well
To keep your top employees, you need to pay them a competitive salary. This may be easier said than done in some organizations, but make sure you don't skimp on salary. If their performance deserves a raise, give them a raise, this will let them know they are valued and appreciated. If you can't afford a competitive salary or raise, consider performance-based bonuses for individual employees or teams.
4. Care about their future
A manager who shows interest and involvement in the future of their employees does wonders for motivation. Create opportunities for people to rise within your organization and encourage continuous growth and education. Employees feel valued and important when they feel their managers care about where they are going in the company and in their careers. Acting as a mentor and advocate will build trust and motivation about their future with your company.
Your company is the right place |
5. Create a good culture
Make sure your company is the right place. Not only does it offer competitive pay and benefits but people really enjoy working there. If your culture is negative and rigid, why would employees want to work hard if they don't enjoy what they're doing? You don't have to have free beer every day of the week or Google Glass for everyone, just including simple perks like lunch, team building activities and happy hours can be motivation enough.
budaya kerja ni tergantung dengan orang keliling kita jugak....
ReplyDeletegood sharing..kawan2 sekerja juga memainkan peranan untuk motivasi kan kita. bila environment bekerja yang best, secara tak langsung kita pun seronok datang bekerja dan membuat tugasan harian di pejabat...